
Showing posts from September, 2021


  WARRANTY INSPECTION | HOME INSPECTION DALLAS TX A Warranty Inspection or 11-Month Builder Warranty Inspection is typically performed prior to the 1-year anniversary of new homeownership, while the builder is still responsible for most defects. Did the builder call to remind you that your home warranty was about to expire? Most don’t provide this courtesy. We offer this inspection service for homeowners who are living in a new house for less than one year old. There might be inconspicuous defects, but it’s not too late for our inspectors with trained eyes to spot those issues. Our experience tells us that most major construction flaws go unnoticed for 3-5 years. By this time, correcting these flaws could cost many thousands of dollars to remedy, and the builder is no longer responsible. It is unfortunate that most of these flaws go unnoticed until it is too late and extensive damage has occurred. So, Schedule your  Home Inspection Dallas TX  Today!